Monday, January 25, 2010


of what I want, most of which won't happen.

01. My Facebook account back.

02. No Rules.

03. Father to get Mother something nice for Valentines Day.

04. Money. Lots and lots of Money.

05. To Fly.

06. Super powers in general.

07. Ajaxx.

08. For Canada to win a few medals this Olympics.

09. A new snow board.

10. Contacts, preferably green.

11. Rihanna to dress modestly.

12. Easy grades.

13. A Cat.

14. For Liverpool to win against Wolverhampton Tomorrow (sorry Ajaxx).

15. My own house with speakers in the wall.

16. To blast the pursuit of happiness through speakers in the wall in my own house.

17. Sister 1 to come visit me.

18. Sister 2 to stop being so fucking good all the time.

19. Lady Gaga's sparking pointy boobs bra.

20. A Pukka Pie.


it's really depressing how I'm finding it hard to think of things that aren't depressing. WTF brain!


are gorgeous.

-- They all have high cheek bones,
--- They have super pretty jaw lines,
---- They have out of this world crazy hair.
----- and best of all, They have flawless skin.

Maybe I'm making generalizations, but I'm like LIME GREEN JELLO.


Fake? Probably. Insane? Yes. Painful? Definitely.


and living away from the family and getting on with my life;

I am going to live in London... or like, Manchester. Why does everyone hate it?
I am going to live in a really shitty flat - I'm not delusional, I know when I'm 22 I'll be flat broke.
I am not going to get high. Or get Drunk. Ever. Seriously, drunk people scare the shit out of me.

I am going to have a) the body I have now (which btw I’m super happy with), or b) an even better body (Y).

I am going to eat right, and by right I mean keep the chocolate levels at a minimum.

I am not going to be one of those ridiculous females who feel they’re only hot when they’re a size double zero have hair like Rachel in Friends and go through a string of men to find Mr. Right, and cry when they don’t.

Oh, and I’m going to go to work in a pencil skirt with glossy peep toe stilettos – every day, because pencil skirts are the best thing in the world.

Maybe it's a little far fetched, but I WILL make this happen.


So to sum up the last long while, I’ve been taken out of my school, haven’t spoken to a single person that I LIKE for the last two weeks (house arrest by the rents), realized I’ll never see Ajaxx again thanks to mum and dad, realized my one sister is just an informant to my devious mother, the other sister is way too far away and would probably be an informant to my father if she was around, and my brothers are just .. there. Apart from missing the single person in my life who I actually looked forward to seeing, my mother has taken over MY facebook page, changed the password to that and my email, and is now going threw all my personal details and emails, messaging MY friends who I have no way of warning, and all the while pretending I can “talk to her”. Bullfuckingshit. Oh, not to mention they’re planning on sending me to a religious school where chances are I won’t learn anything, but have religion shoved down my throat with a ladel. A ladel? Is that the word? That big spoony thing that they use for soup.. you know what I mean.

BUT, I’m being positive. I know right, me, positive? What with all the depressing things I put up here there would be a fat chance, but here it is, my future: --NEXTPOST.